20 Nov 2017

Winter preparation tips for rural business owners

Rural business owners often face a wide variety of challenges during the winter months. Here are five of the best winter preparation tips for small businesses, to help cope with the potential challenges ahead.

  1. Increased sales and customer traffic
    The run up to Christmas can be a crazy time of year for business. Whether you run a farm shop, or are producing handmade items, be prepared by hiring part-time holiday employees to help cover the rush. Any extra money spent on staff could easily be made up in sales, thanks to better or more attentive customer service.

  2. Cash flow
    The winter period is often a critical time for small businesses when it comes to cash flow. It’s often a time when business owners resort to costly bank overdrafts or company credit cards, both of which can exacerbate weak cash flow positions in the short-term. In preparation, make sure you forecast potential financial problems and have a back-up plan in place to ensure you, or your staff aren’t caught short.

  3. Staff asking for time off
    During the winter months especially at Christmas, make sure to ask ahead for everyone’s availability, and give a deadline for employees to book holiday time off by, so that you can plan ahead for any shortfalls in bodies.

  4. Distracted employees
    With the lead up to Christmas employees may be distracted. Consider providing staff with incentives, such as longer lunch breaks, to complete tasks they may have otherwise tried to do in work time.

  5. Personal stress
    Worrying about your own income and that of your employees’ can be hard on a business owner. Make sure to take time for your own self-care, whether its exercising, shopping, or just leaving early to have dinner with friends and family. It can clear your head and put you back on track.

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