29 Apr 2019

‘One stop’ for the world’s best food and farming media

A new digital platform that taps into a growing interest in food and farming vlogs, podcasts and blogs has been launched.

EatFarmNow is described by its founders as a collection of the world’s most insightful, compelling and amusing content generated by both citizen and professional journalists.

EatFarmNow is all about sharing stories straight from the world's fields, barns and kitchens, according to its UK founders, Welsh farmer Will Evans and rural business and social media consultant, Simon Haley.

“Like many brought up in the thriving world of digital content, we have spent way too many hours browsing content, and we’re not alone,” explains Will Evans, founder of the Rock & Roll Farming Podcast.

Will is himself a great example of how engaging digital storytelling can really hook people in and can make podcasters famous. He started his podcast because no-one else was doing one, and now produces a podcast a week and interviews people involved with food and farming from all over the world.

“My story is no different to many hundreds of thousands of people who have tapped into the interest of our fellow humans in each other’s lives via blogs, vlogs and podcasts,” he says. “Social media and peer-to-peer popularity has given us ordinary citizens a voice on topics that matter to us.”

EatFarmNow hosts a wide variety of topics content that spans the big issues in farming, food and the land, through to technical know-how for farmers and growers, and also includes some of the most touching, compelling and humorous people.

Simon Haley adds that the “why” behind EatFarmNow is really important. There are some big issues that need airing about the food and farming sector.

“We hope that EatFarmNow will make it easier for anyone interested in food and farming to find the stories that interest them; ultimately, we hope that through the platform people who eat food better understand how, where and why it’s produced the way it is.

“Ultimately, we want to amplify the great content out there and to inspire people not to just watch but also to create. Over time we will develop our own content to fill the content ‘gaps’ via commissions with journalists, our community and influencers.”

You can see what all the fuss is about here: www.eatfarmnow.com

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