Office of national statistics
- A wealth of data sets relating to leisure and tourism
Trip Advisor insight
- A wealth of articles highlighting key hospitality research by Trip Advisor
Tourism after Brexit 2017
- A document produced by the Tourism Alliance to establish an idea of the tourism industry post Brexit
See also: The rise in rural tourism – how businesses and landowners can embrace it
Visit Scotland research and statistics
- An analysis if Scotland visitors, markets and the tourism industry.
Visit Wales tourism accommodation occupancy
Visit Britain research and insights
- A wealth of research and insight into Great Britain tourism industry
Great Britain tourism survey
- National consumer survey measuring the volume and value of domestic overnight tourism trips taken by residents in Great Britain
Visit Britain inbound markets and segments
- Data on the characteristics of inbound visitors to Great Britain i.e. those from abroad
See also: How to make the most out of the UK’s growing 'staycation' trend
Sector specific tourism research
Carried out by Visit Britain, this provides specific research into certain sectors such as food and drink, and the heritage and attractions industry
The latest tourism statics
- The latest industry trends produced by the Tourism Alliance
Cumbria Tourism research
- Research specific to tourism in Cumbria.
The British travellers path to purchase
- A paid for resource prepared by Expedia that gives insight into audience behaviours and booking decision influencers.
See also: Glamping start-up Q and A with Kate Morel
The British Travellers Digital Landscape
- A paid for white paper prepared by Expedia on understanding how to effectively reach online travel shoppers in the UK
Trip Advisor stats and facts
- The latest stats and facts relating to Trip Advisor